What Is CFX_Excel2Query?
Transform a Microsoft Excel file into a ColdFusion query without installing Excel on your server! This tag is written in 100% java, so there is no need for the dreaded COM. This tag works best with simple Excel files, but many have had luck with extremely complex files.
Attribute | Req'd | Description |
file | Yes | full path the Microsoft Excel file |
r_qResults | Yes | the variable in which to store the resulting query |
firstRowIsHeader | No | specifies whether or not the first row of the Microsoft Excel file should be used for the column names in the query |
sheet_name | No | specifies a specific worksheet name (case sensitive) to use from the Microsoft Excel file |
sheet_num | No | specifies a worksheet by a number (zero-based; first sheet is zero, second sheet is 1, etc) - If sheet_num and sheet_name are both specified, sheet_num is used. |
columnlist | No | the list of column names in their original order is returned to the variable you choose here (especially useful when firstRowIsHeader) |
startRow | No | The row number, starting at 1, you would like to start from |
maxRows | No | The total number of rows from startRow that you want to return |
longNames | No | Use zero padding on column names (i.e. column001,column002,..,columnN) |